survival ratio

survival ratio
демогр., стат. коэффициент дожития [выживаемости\] (показатель таблиц смертности, характеризующий долю лиц, доживающих до конца данного возрастного интервала из числа живших в его начале)

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "survival ratio" в других словарях:

  • survival ratio — ratio of recruits to spawners or parental biomass in a stock recruitment analysis. Changes in survival ratios indicate that the productivity of a stock is changing …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • Survival analysis — is a branch of statistics which deals with death in biological organisms and failure in mechanical systems. This topic is called reliability theory or reliability analysis in engineering, and duration analysis or duration modeling in economics or …   Wikipedia

  • Survival kit — First aid pack of the French Army …   Wikipedia

  • Survival function — The survival function, also known as a survivor function or reliability function, is a property of any random variable that maps a set of events, usually associated with mortality or failure of some system, onto time. It captures the probability… …   Wikipedia

  • survival fraction — after exposure to a cytotoxic substance or irradiation, the ratio between surviving exposed cells per unit of volume and unexposed control cells per unit …   Medical dictionary

  • Odds ratio — The odds ratio [1][2][3] is a measure of effect size, describing the strength of association or non independence between two binary data values. It is used as a descriptive statistic, and plays an important role in logistic regression. Unlike… …   Wikipedia

  • Human sex ratio — In anthropology and demography, the human sex ratio is the sex ratio for Homo sapiens (i.e. the ratio of males to females in a population). Like most sexual species, the sex ratio is approximately 1:1. In humans the secondary sex ratio (i.e. at… …   Wikipedia

  • Hazard ratio — The hazard ratio in survival analysis is the effect of an explanatory variable on the hazard or risk of an event. For a less technical definition than is provided here, consider hazard ratio to be an estimate of relative risk and see the… …   Wikipedia

  • Crown-to-root ratio — This X ray film reveals a poor crown to root ratio for tooth #21 (right), the lower left first premolar. The tooth exhibits 50% bone loss, adding roughly 5 7 mm to the clinical crown of what is actually anatomical root. The fulcrum, existing… …   Wikipedia

  • Debt-to-GDP ratio — Government debt as percentage of GDP globally. (2009 estimates) …   Wikipedia

  • Brain to body mass ratio — (also known as the Encephalization Quotient or EQ) is a rough estimate of the possible intelligence of an organism.It is defined as the ratio of the actual brain mass to the expected brain mass of a typical animal that size, EQ=m(brain)/Em(brain) …   Wikipedia

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